Building a Neural Network to Address Canada's Housing Crisis

Building a Neural Network to Address Canada’s Housing Crisis

Increasingly unaffordable housing prices have become a major challenge for several developed countries, including Canada. I am leading a project to model the complex factors that contribute to these price changes using longitudinal data, enabling policy makers to understand how policy changes can impact housing prices.

Project Overview

Motivation The factors behind high housing prices can be incredibly complex and difficult to detect due to lags from implementation to effect
Model A LSTM neural network based on longitudinal housing, economic, and population data that enables simulating impacts of policy decisions
Client Infrastructure Canada (INFC)
Status In Progress
Outcome TBD

It is often claimed that the Canadian housing supply is not keeping up with population growth. Factors such as post-2016 increases in immigration are frequently cited for contributing to rising real estate prices by growing the Canadian population faster than houses can be built. Under analysis of Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) data, however, this effect is not so clear-cut.